Jan 3, 2011

Synonyms & Antonyms

are words that have almost the same meaning.

rich - wealthy
plate - dish
come - arrive
cry - sob
poor - needy
flower - blossom
taxi - cab
drive - steer
enemy - foe
quiet - silent
laught - giggle
cool - chilly
cold - icy
sad - unhappy
fire - flame
chair - seat
friend - pal
loud - noisy
lead - guide
late - tardy
song - tune
cut - clip
enjoy - like
sleep - snooze
begin - start
error - mistake
teach - tutor
throw - toss
save - keep
kind - nice
all - every

are words that have opposite meaning

before - after
end - begin
worst - best
open - close
hard - easy
full - empty
enter - exit
dark - fair
true - false
last - first 
smile - frown
cold - heat
low - high 
cruel - kind
more - less 
few - many
least - most
dark - pale
dangerous - safe
spend - save
float - sink
big - small
fresh - stale
thin - thick
fat - thin
attractive - ugly 
narrow - wide

By: Teacher Fahimah